Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Clearly it's been too long....

Well, 2013 was a great year but clearly I was caught up with running that I negleted to post about it. Ha! Who am I kidding!?? Y'all saw it all over Facebook and wished me well after every single half marathon...

Yes… Yes…. I know. I have not been on top of my postings!!! It has been way to long but as you know sometimes life gets in the way and I have had a lot happen in the past year with my life!!! I think the last time I left you all, it was in May of 2013. 2013 was a great year for me and my running career!! I ended up running 13 half marathons and 20 other races under 10 miles! I enclosed a picture for you to see of me after each half! After looking at it, I completed my half marathons in the following states:

-         Washington, DC
-         Chicago, IL
-         Rhode Island
o   Newport United Health Care Half Marathon
o   Providence Cox Half Marathon
-         New Hampshire
-         Virginia Beach, Virginia
-         Montreal, Canada
-         Philadelphia, PA
-         Long Island, NY
-         Savannah, GA
-         Las Vegas, NV
-         Massachusetts
o   Boston Run to Remember Half Marathon
o   Boston Athletic Association Half Marathon

I had such a wonderful time traveling to all these states, touring the cities and running 13.1 miles. After each trip, loved looking at all the goodies I would get. There was always a wicked cool swag bag, race shirt, personalized bib, and amazing medal. Most of the races I completed were part of the Rock & Roll Marathon series. When you complete a certain amount, you accumulate “HEAVY MEDALS” and after I completed the 2013 year, I received 5 heavy medals! (See picture) I was an experience of a lifetime and hope to complete all 50 states soon!!! I would have to say, I could not have done all of this without my running partner, Kara! She was amazing and definitely did a great job picking out the restaurants pre & post-race! Oh and she did a FABULOUS job navigating all around the cities!

As I reflected at the end of 2013, I figured I could make 2014 even better!!! I decided to run a marathon… Yes à A MARATHON!!! I wasn’t sure which one I would do but I let it sit inside my brain and set in to see if I really was up for the challenge!! On April 25, 2014 I made the biggest decision of my life… I signed up to run the New York City Marathon in partner with the charity, TEAM for KIDS. My heart was pounding as I was typing on the keyboard… all my information entered with New York Road Runners. Submit!
I took a look around the living room and told my parents it was completed. I am entered and now time will tell if I am accepted into the marathon. Two and a half weeks later I get an email with the subject line -Welcome to Team for Kids! Here is your code!- I was not sure at first what this was but when I opened it, it had a code for me to use to submit for the marathon. “Oh my gosh!” I yelled! It was really happening! I was truly signed up to run but all I needed to do was submit my code! I rushed to my laptop and signed in to my NYRR account and filled everything out. After clicking submit I started to tear up a little. I am really doing this… I am running 26.2 miles throughout New York!

 Fast forward to now, I am now only 17 days away from the marathon. I have come a long way since I signed up. Not only did I focus on my training all day every day, I was fundraising for my charity, Team for Kids! I raised $2,625.00 for the organization and could not be more appreciative of all the donors and support from friends and family!!! From bar crawls to raffles, I really could not have done it without any of my friends or family… Now as I prepare for my big trip, I start to make my packing list. What do I want to bring? Do I need a lot? How will the weather be?? Not only that, I question how much stuff do I want to buy at the expo? Should I leave room like everyone tells me?? I did receive a special package from a special someone… My amazing girlfriend Sarah purchased a NY Marathon jacket for me to wear once I finish the race. It is so pretty and bright.. I LOVE it!!! Oh, I forgot the mention the other best part of my 2014 year is that I am dating the most kind, generous and sweet person ever!! Sarah and I have been dating for almost 5 months now and I have not been happier!! A shout out to you, Sarah for all your support with the marathon!!! You pretty much have been there since day one!!
Anyway, I think that is all for now. I do really promise to keep up with this blog!!!
Look!!! I got my registration form for the EXPO!!!
Bib #69223 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

May... Where did it go?

Where the heck did May go?? It was here literally a few minutes ago!!!

This month has been the best and exciting month yet! It was full of friends, family and supporting causes! There were many celebrations especially with my family. We celebrated the Bat Mitzvah of my little cousin Holly, family members had birthdays, and I completed my second year of riding the American Diabetes Association Tour de Cure. This year my father joined the Titanium Riders team and we all rode together. It was so nice being able to raise money for a cause that means so much to us and ride as well. It was a BEAUTIFUL Sunday and we could not have asked for a great route too!! All together my mother, father and I raised $775.00 to help find a cure for Diabetes!

In addition to the ride, I ran the Cox Half Marathon in Providence on May 12th with my running partner, Kara. Since the Marathon Bombing, security has been very strict and you see more and more SWAT personnel and police men and women in the area of the start and finish line. While waiting for the race to start, there were many security personnel on top of the hotels and other building with binoculars and guns ready looking into the crowd to see if there was anything suspicious. After finishing the race, I've decided that Providence and I will never get along while running. I finished the race with pain. So, I think I will practice more in Providence to prepare for the Rock and Roll Half Marathon in September. Out of all the races I have done and received medals for, this one had the most interesting design. It was in the shape of an anchor and had a sneaker footprint, and the state house. It was WICKED cool :-) It was so nice to be able to cross the finish line and see my parents and sister there cheering us on!!!

Well, let's say in the month of May, I now added two more half marathons to my checklist. This past weekend I ran the Boston Run to Remember Half Marathon. I was afraid it would be a miserable race due to the rain that was anticipated but it turned into a very nice day. We all started near the seaport area and ran through Boston and the main part of the course was on Memorial Drive in Cambridge. Throughout the run I formed some amazing memories. The first one was how everyone who ran for Boston Children's Hospital was very supportive of one another. Anytime someone or myself would see a team member, we would throw our hands out to clap, tap on the shoulder or give a thumbs up and yell, "YEAH CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL!!!" It was such a good motivational thing to have along the course! The second favorite memory would be when we crossed under the bridge onto Memorial Drive, there were about 30 police cars parked at an angle with their lights flashing and the Policeman and State Troopers standing in front clapping for us. I decided to put my arm out and high five them and say "thank you!" They were cops from Bedford, Cambridge, MIT, Arlington & Boston... Even further down at the next underpass/bridge on Memorial Drive you had cops whistling and cheering for us. It was such a great feeling. Finally after crossing the finish line, I went inside to get some water and a bagel, I was surprised to see that this year they gave out wicked nice medals with a nice ribbon that had the American Flag on it. They did not just hand them to us, they placed them on us. It was a great gesture. I am looking forward to the next month and see what it has to bring. I know that it will not be as crazy as this month for sure but maybe we can spice it up with new tricks or races :-)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013


Ok, first off I promise to be a lot better about posting. I've been slacking and I do apologize! I finally made it to Washington, D.C. and I am loving every minute of it!! Granted has been a long day, I have had a great time walking all over DC and exploring what the city has to offer. Every single Musuem we visited has definitely given me a different perspective on things... ESPECIALLY the United States Holocaust Museum. That by far was the most touching and interesting feeling I have felt since I was in Israel and walking through the cemetery of all the Israeli Defense Force fallen soldiers.

Back to my race, the USA Rock and Roll half marathon was a great course! Totally would run it again! I will be more prepared for the steep hill between miles 6 and 7... BOY did that give me a run for my money!! I said I can either walk the hill or sprint it. I was not going to run/jog it because then I would not get anywhere. So I sprinted as fast as I could and as I got close to the top, I had to walk up the rest... As we were getting closer to the finish line people were doubling in crowd size... I mean TONS of people! I ran through the finish line and loved how everyone cheered! I love the second wind you get when you are close to finishing and you just sprint!! Ahh so good!!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Say what?

Well, it has been a while since I posted last! Every time I try to sit down and write a post or even log my run in my journal, I have something else that needs to get done. Here I am... Sunday night and it is past my bed time (probably because I cannot sleep) and I am finally writing a new post.

Last week, this weekend have been a crazy whirl wind but I wouldn't trade it for anything! Last week I ran the Black Cat 10 Miler with a ΦΜ sister, Juliana and we both started and finished together. It was a great course and the weather was great! Most of the route was flat and in the downtown part of Salem so of course there were cars in the way but we were safe and there was a ton of police around!

This past weekend was a double run! I had a 5k on Saturday and Sunday. Saturdays run was the St. Pats 5K in Providence and there were over 4 thousand runners! I ran with Kara (we are running all over the US this year and have one coming up in Washington DC. I definitely like to run with her because she runs a little faster than me so I push myself more to become a consistent runner! I loved crossing the finish line on a downwards hill because I was able to sprint the last tenth of a mile. Even the weather was beautiful considering it snowed the day before! Today's run was the Ras na hEiren 5k in Somerville. I know this course well, so I knew what to expect. The one thing I need to pay attention to is the ground. Right as we turned the first corner, I slipped in a small pot hole and landed on my foot wrong... I ended up walking for a little but continued and was able to complete it in a reasonable manner. I ran with another ΦΜ, Teresa who ran her first race of the year with me! We stuck together and motivated one another!

Ok, I have carb up this week and get ready for the first half marathon of 2013!! I have never been to DC and I cannot wait to see all the sights!! I really like having running partners because it makes the race THAT much more fun!!!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Feels like the first time...

Today was great! It was amazing to be surrounded by hundreds if people who are in the running spirit! I loved being around everyone and seeing who has why sneaker and what is the new style or new gadget to have. Everyone today had the same reason to run this morning... To kick cancer's A$$!

Even though I have ran before, today felt something for the first time I have not felt in a long time. The feeling of having a goal and running without stopping. Yes, I did have the wind and snow against me but that was not going to stop me.

Buzzer goes off and BAM! I am off running and setting my own pace. I almost cried because I was not sure if I'd ever be back on a race course. I'm running and I finally set a pace and stick with it. There were many points I wanted to just stop and walk but I kept telling myself I could because I wanted to cross the finish line on a strong foot. I had the running app keep track of time and milage so I know for next time what I needed to beat.

Right at one hour I cross the finish line and just start smiling. I can't control it and I'm just happy to have crossed the finish line!

So here is a cheer to more races and more crossing with finish line on a positive foot ;-)

Saturday, February 2, 2013

It's all about preparation

Well, tomorrow is the day I have been waiting for... My first race in four months. This past month I've been running and training to get back to where I left off. I am more than excited to be with hundreds of people and hear the blower ring to start running. The best part is that this race is for cancer! So to everyone who has survived and to everyone who has list someone, I am running for them!

Happy Saturday!
- SparkleRunner